Posts Tagged ‘New York City’

TasteSpace NYC

February 3, 2009

I love New York City, it is one fo the best places in the world. But every time I go there, I find a hard time finding places to eat, bars to visit, and clubs to chill at, not for the lack of these places, but because there are a crazy amount of these places. But I found a site that makes it easy to find a plce to go to in NYC, TasteSpace. I love this site. You can search place places by nieghborhood, price, type of place and crowd. The profile of the places has user reviews, photos, video, address, etc. I love this site. So easy to use and a wealth of information it gives you. I using this the next time I go to NYC, which should be in Novermber.

We go to clubs so you don’t have to go to bad ones.